Izdelki za mreže za astronomske aplikacije (4)

Analiza Profilov Laserja - Profilator Žarka

Analiza Profilov Laserja - Profilator Žarka

Verfügbare empfindliche Flächen: 6.3 x 4.8 mm² 8.8 x 6.6 mm² 14.4 x 10.8 mm² 20 x 15 mm² Beamprofiler von DataRay gibt es für fast jede Strahlprofil-Analyseanwendung. Das neueste Modell ist die WinCamD-LCM mit CMOS Chip und USB3.0 Anschluss. Sie arbeitet mit bis zu 60 fps und verfügt über innovative ND Filter, welche magnetisch am Kameragehäuse befestigt werden können. Features: Sofort betriebsbereit Direkter USB3.0 Anschluss Für CW-Laser oder gepulste Laser Für CW-Laser wie auch für gepulste Laser geeignet, mit Einzelpulserfassung bis 20 kHz Benutzerfreundliche Software Hintergrunderfassung und Subtraktion XY-Profile und Zentroide gaußförmig und zylinderförmig Strahlverlauftool Auto-Trigger Automatische Synchronisierung mit gepulsten Lasern M2 Kapazitäten Mit optionaler M2 Stufe und Linse
3D senzorji - 2D/3D merjenje

3D senzorji - 2D/3D merjenje

The new generation of Micro-Epsilon’s 3D sensors impresses with high accuracy during measurement and assessment of components and surfaces. The surfaceCONTROL and reflectCONTROL inspection systems from Micro-Epsilon are intended for matt and shiny surfaces respectively. The 3D snapshots are recorded in a short time and provide detailed 3D point clouds. These 3D sensors are used, e.g., for geometric component testing, position determination, presence checks and the measurement of flatness or planarity. Thanks to their high performance, the sensors are used for inline applications, on robots and also for offline inspection.
ME'scope programska oprema za modalno analizo

ME'scope programska oprema za modalno analizo

Das für Maschinenbauer und Versuchsingenieure entwickelte Modalanalyse-Softwarepaket ME'scope VES der Firma Vibrant Technology, Inc. unterstützt optimal Messdaten unserer Software
EtherCAT Master - EtherCAT® Master Stack za več (realnočasovnih) operacijskih sistemov

EtherCAT Master - EtherCAT® Master Stack za več (realnočasovnih) operacijskih sistemov

Features - Configuration and management of EtherCAT networks - Cyclic exchange of process data - Sophisticated API common to all implementations as interface between the application and the EtherCAT Master Stack - Mailbox based communication with: CAN application protocol over EtherCAT (CoE) Ethernet over EtherCAT (EoE) File over EtherCAT (FoE) Servo Drive over EtherCAT (SoE) - Built-in detailed diagnostics and profiling functions - Written in ANSI-C designed with high performance, small resource usage and scalability in mind - The core components are operating system (OS) and CPU architecture independent - Adaption to many prevalent (real-time) operating systems available from stock - EtherCAT Master Class A according to ETG.1500 esd electronics is a member of the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG).